How to Use "Extent" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words extent (n): the size, importance, or seriousness of something


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Used with adjectives:

"The full extent of the damage is unknown."
(full, overall, actual, true)

"They pushed the technology to its maximum extent."
(maximum, greatest)

Used with verbs:

"They are examining the extent of the changes."
(be + examining, be + considering, be + exploring, be + investigating)

"The Red Cross is assessing the extent of the disaster."
(be + assessing, be + calculating, be + evaluating, be + judging, be + measuring)

"He needs to determine the extent of the problem."
(determine, establish, identify)

"We do not yet know the extent of the damages."
(know, understand)

"This example illustrates the extent of the findings."
(illustrates, indicates, shows, demonstrates, clarifies, explains)

"They tried to exaggerate the extent of their losses."
(exaggerate, overstate)

"He tried to conceal the extent of the problem."
(conceal, limit, reduce, downplay, hide)

Used with prepositions:

"He relied on his family to a great extent."

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