How to Use "Horse" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words horse (n): a large animal with four legs and a tail that people use for riding or pulling carriages


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Used with adjectives:

"They bought a beautiful horse."
(beautiful, fine, lovely, great, magnificent, thoroughbred)

"She wants a black horse."
(black, bay, chestnut, gray)

"He's trying to tame a wild horse."
(wild, frightened, startled, loose, runaway)

"She's a very fast horse."

"They're training new cavalry horses."
(cavalry, police)

"He trained many championship horses."
(championship, racing, riding)

"My dad built a rocking horse for my daughter."

Used with verbs:

"They breed thoroughbred horses."
(breed, own, train)

"They saddled the horses and went riding."

"She fell while trying to mount her horse."
(mount, dismount, get on, get off)

"She wants to ride a horse."

"He groomed his horse after the ride."

"Her horse pranced around the ring."
(pranced, galloped, trotted, walked, cantered)

"This horse keeps throwing me."

"The horse pulled a cart up the hill."

"Ten horses grazed in the field."
(grazed, stood)

Used with nouns:

"He's a horse breeder."
(breeder, owner, rider, trainer, lover)

"Watch out for the horse droppings."
(droppings, dung, manure)

"There's a big horse race this weekend."

Used with prepositions:

"It's strange seeing her on a horse."

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