How to Use "Extremely" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words extremely (adv): very; to a great degree or amount


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Used with adjectives:

"She was extremely confused by his actions."
(confused, hurt, alarmed, annoyed, upset)

"He found the students' behavior extremely bad."
(bad, inappropriate, immature, irresponsible, rude)

"They thought the movie was extremely boring."
(boring, violent, stupid, sad, disappointing)

"Our teacher is extremely patient."
(patient, kind, helpful, smart, dedicated)

"The movie star is extremely handsome."
(handsome, glamorous, beautiful, elegant, talented, attractive)

"This story is extremely interesting."
(interesting, exciting, amusing, enjoyable)

"She thinks her homework is extremely difficult."
(difficult, hard, boring, challenging)

"He tried to make the material extremely easy to understand."

"That group is extremely dangerous."
(dangerous, militant, violent)

"The weather is extremely cold today."
(cold, hot, cloudy, rainy, sunny)

"The situation was extremely embarrassing."
(embarrassing, exciting, familiar, difficult, confusing, dangerous)

"This item is extremely fragile."
(fragile, flammable, delicate, hazardous)

"This test is extremely important."
(important, difficult)

"He feels extremely nervous before a test."
(nervous, stressed, anxious)

"Her children are always extremely happy."
(happy, sad, clean, dirty, messy, lazy, noisy, sick, busy)

"The new policy has been extremely effective."
(effective, disappointing, productive, powerful)

"He is extremely doubtful that a change will happen."
(doubtful, hopeful)

"The new equipment is extremely expensive."
(expensive, useful, important)

"Their trip was extremely tiring."
(tiring, traumatic, tense, uncomfortable, dangerous, demanding, miserable)

"He is an extremely tall man."
(tall, short, skinny, thin, fat, large, small)

"It is extremely dark in this room."
(dark, bright, light, noisy, quiet, warm, cool, crowded)

"That was an extremely emotional ending."
(emotional, dramatic, boring, predictable, surprising, romantic)

"This is an extremely common item."
(common, rare, expensive, valuable, useful, necessary, unnecessary, useless)

"They were extremely frightened by the noise outside."
(frightened, scared, startled, confused, shocked)

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