How to Use "Eye" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words eye (n): body part on the face used for seeing; a way of seeing


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Used with adjectives:

"He has a fake left eye."
(left, right)

"Both girls have blue eyes."
(blue, brown, green, gray, hazel, dark, pale)

"That fish has huge eyes."
(huge, big, enormous, large)

"They had wide eyes from fear."

"She described him as having beady eyes."
(beady, narrow, close-set, wide-set, deep, hollow, sunken)

"She had puffy eyes from crying."
(puffy swollen, bloodshot, red)

"Her warm eyes made him feel comfortable."
(warm, soft, welcoming)

"She looked at me with teary eyes."
(teary, misty, cloudy)

"Allergies give him watery eyes."
(watery, cloudy)

"There wasn't a dry eye in the room during the movie."

"The villain has wild eyes."
(wild, mad, crazy, angry)

"He looked at my plate with hungry eyes."
(hungry, greedy)

"Despite his age, he still has sharp eyes."
(sharp, keen)

"Her sad eyes told him something was wrong."
(sad, solemn)

"The killer looked at him with cold eyes."
(cold, dull, vacant, lifeless, glassy)

"Their sharp eyes spotted the distress signal."
(sharp, keen, good)

"This might look easy to the untrained eye."
(untrained, inexperienced)

"I need someone with an artistic eye to look at this."
(artistic, expert, experienced)

Used with verbs:

"Finally she opened her eyes."
(opened, closed, shut)

"He blinked his eyes rapidly."

"They averted their eyes from the horrible sight."

"She raised her eyes to meet his face."
(raised, lifted)

"He lowered his eyes to hide the tears."

"He shaded his eyes against the glare."

"She rolled her eyes at his suggestion."

"They wore goggles in the lab to protect their eyes."
(protect, cover)

"The doctor tested her eyes."

"She woke up and rubbed her eyes."
(rubbed, wiped)

"Something in the distance caught my eye."

"He looked into her eyes."

"Her eyes widened with shock."
(widened, stared)

"My eyes always water when I eat spicy food."

"Their eyes glowed with excitement."
(glowed, lit up, shined, gleamed, sparkled)

"His eyes twinkled in the nightlight."
(twinkled, sparkled, gleamed)

"His eyes hardened at the sound of her voice."
(hardened, softened, narrowed, sharpened)

"Her eyes burned from the smoke."
(burned, stung, hurt)

"Their eyes gazed at me intensely."
(gazed, stared, looked, peered, glared)

"She fixed her eyes on the book and tried to study."
(fixed, focused, locked)

"Her eyes glanced around the room trying to find someone she knew."
(glanced, darted, shifted, scanned, searched)

"Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she found the door."

"His eyes strained to find the doorknob in the darkness."

"She squinted her eyes in the sun."

"Her eyes showed her true feelings."
(showed, told)

"Their eyes examined the scene."
(examined, studied, took in)

Used with nouns:

"His eye muscles keep twitching."

"He avoided making eye contact."

"She will see an eye doctor about the problem."
(doctor, specialist, surgeon)

"He had an eye exam before buying new glasses."
(exam, examination, test)

"He has a serious eye injury."
(injury, disease, infection)

"She wears glasses to help avoid eye strain."
(strain, damage)

"This task requires eye protection."

"She wears a lot of eye make-up."
(make-up, liner, shadow)

"I put the note at eye level so he'd see it."

Used with prepositions:

"She has a good eye for detail."

"She tries to view the lesson through the students' eyes."
(through, from)

"In their eyes, he's always right."

"She looked over the plan with a critical eye."

Study Vocabulary Words eye (v): to see, view or watch


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Used with adverbs:

"He curiously eyes the materials."
(curiously, nervously)

"The policeman carefully eyed the evidence."
(carefully, cautiously, suspiciously)

Previous Word by Letter: extremely
Next Word by Letter: face
Previous Word by Frequency: decide
Next Word by Frequency: fast

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