How to Use "Failure" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words failure (n): lack of success; unsuccessful person or thing; not doing something; physical break down


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Used with adjectives:

"The project was a complete failure."
(complete, total, costly, utter)

"They are waiting for his inevitable failure."
(inevitable, ultimate)

"This product is a relative failure compared to previous versions."
(relative, apparent)

"She has recovered well from her initial failure."

"He talked about his personal failures."
(personal, academic, economic, financial)

"The reform has been a big failure."
(big, serious, great)

"She tries to learn from her past failures."
(past, previous, earlier)

"This has been an unexpected failure."

"There has been a consistent failure to respond in a timely manner."
(consistent, constant, continued, repeated)

"We are addressing his fundamental failure to do his jobs."
(fundamental, general)

"They are trying to fix a serious mechanical failure."
(mechanical, structural, technical, hardware, software)

"Computer failure is causing a lot of problems."
(computer, battery, engine, equipment, power)

"She was diagnosed with heart failure."
(heart, kidney, liver, organ)

"The crisis is a result of communication failure."
(communication, system, policy)

Used with verbs:

"His plans always end in failure."
(end, result)

"She will never admit her failures."

"My parents will not tolerate failure."
(tolerate, accept)

"They blamed the failure of the project on each other."

"The crisis represents a failure of the system."

"The problem here is a failure to communicate."
(be: is/am/are)

"She felt like a complete failure after losing her job."
(felt like)

"He experienced a lot of failure before becoming successful."

"Her parents considered her a failure."
(considered, regarded, branded)

"I can't excuse your failure to complete the project this time."

"They are trying to prevent a complete structural failure."
(prevent, avoid)

"This illness may cause heart failure."
(cause, lead to, result in)

"We are experiencing a major mechanical failure."
(be + experiencing, be + suffering)

"The mechanical failure occurred last night."
(occurred, happened)

Used with nouns:

"There is a high failure rate for this test."

Used with prepositions:

"He experienced a major failure in his life."

"There was a complete failure of the brakes."

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