How to Use "Fair" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fair (adj): right or acceptable; treating equally


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Used with verbs:

"Her decision seems fair."
(seems, be: is/am/are)

"She tried to make the competition fair."

"I think this is a fair compromise."
(think, consider)

Used with adverbs:

"His grading seems completely fair."
(completely, very, entirely, absolutely, perfectly, totally)

"I don't think that decision is quite fair."

"His judging abilities are hardly fair."
(hardly, not really)

Used with prepositions:

"His ruling doesn't seem fair to me."

Used with nouns:

"We need to make a fair comparison."
(comparison, estimate, guess)

"They made a fair exchange of goods."
(exchange, division)

"Each student should receive a fair amount of the prize."
(amount, proportion, percentage)

"I don't think her comment was fair."
(comment, criticism, assessment, grade)

"He gave you fair warning that he would do that."

"They argued that it was not a fair election."
(election, decision, trial, hearing, competition, vote, fight)

"They agreed on a fair price."
(price, wage, deal, compromise)

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