How to Use "Fault" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fault (n): responsibility for something wrong; a bad characteristic; flaw; error in tennis; a break in the layers of rock in the earth's crust


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Used with adjectives:

"The loss was my own stupid fault."

"His biggest fault was being too confident."
(biggest, greatest)

"Her main fault is laziness."
(main, major, only)

"He is very critical of his personal faults."

"His plan has many major faults."
(major, minor, dangerous, serious, possible)

"That is a common fault of this machine."

"He committed a foot fault and lost the tennis match."
(foot, double)

"They are conducting research on a major geological fault."

Used with verbs:

"The fault lies with her parents."
(lies with)

"We all have our faults."

"He overlooks people's faults."

"She rudely pointed out all of my faults."
(pointed out)

"He learned to accept his faults."
(accept, acknowledge, see, recognize)

"She admitted that her biggest fault is being late."
(admitted, realized)

"We are looking for any faults in his plan."
(be + looking for, be + identifying, be + locating, be + finding)

"My mother always finds fault with anything I do."

"We are trying to correct any faults in the system."
(correct, fix, repair)

"She keeps serving double faults."

Used with prepositions:

"She wasn't at fault for the accident."

"Despite his claim, he was not without fault."

"She lost her job due to the economy, not through any fault of her own."

"Being late is a major fault in the trading business."

"His mother finds fault with everything he does."

Used with nouns:

"They are looking at the nearby fault line."
(line, system, zone)

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