How to Use "Fear" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fear (n): the feeling of being in danger or of being scared about what might happen


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Used with adjectives:

"She has an overwhelming fear of flying."
(overwhelming, intense, genuine, great, real, terrible)

"His worst fear is failure."
(worst, biggest, greatest, deepest)

"There is general fear of the disease."
(general, widespread, public)

"She has a paralyzing fear of public speaking."
(paralyzing, constant)

"He had a childhood fear of basements."

Used with verbs:

"He feels intense fear when he has to fly."
(feels, experiences)

"She has a fear of heights."

"They were filled with fear from the strange sounds outside."
(be + filled with, be + paralyzed with, trembled with)

"She is trying to face her fear of dogs."
(face, confront)

"They expressed their fears about marriage."
(expressed, voiced)

"He showed no fear in the face of danger."
(showed, expressed)

"The incident fueled fears about terrorism."
(fueled, heightened, raised, increased)

"A bad experience caused her fear of horses."
(caused, resulted in)

"The doctor confirmed my fears."

"He tried to calm her fear of animals."
(calm, ease, lessen)

"She is trying to conquer her fear of heights."
(conquer, overcome)

"He hides his fears well."
(hides, masks)

Used with prepositions:

"She covered her eyes in fear."

"He doesn't voice his opinions out of a fear of public speaking."
(out of, due to)

"Her eyes were filled with fear."

"She faced him without fear."

"They have a lot of fears about what might happen next."

"She fears for her safety in this neighborhood."

"He has a terrible fear of crowds."

Study Vocabulary Words fear (v): to feel afraid; to feel worried; to feel that something bad might happen


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Used with adverbs:

"They really feared for their lives that night."
(really, greatly, genuinely, truly)

Used with verbs:

"She seems to fear all men."
(seems to, appears to)

"He began to fear driving after the accident."
(began to, started to)

Used with prepositions:

"She feared for her life in the crash."

Used with nouns:

"She greatly fears death."
(death, failure, rejection)

"He fears the consequences for being honest."
(consequences, backlash, retaliation, persecution)

"They always fear the worst."

"She fears his anger."
(anger, wrath)

"They fear the effects of the experiment."

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