How to Use "Field" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words field (n): an open area of land used for growing crops or raising livestock; an open area of land used for playing sports; a particular area of work, sports, or study


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Used with adjectives:

"We walked between the cultivated fields."
(cultivated, plowed)

"Their house is surrounded by grassy fields."
(grassy, grass, green, open)

"The animals struggled to cross the muddy field."
(muddy, snowy, flooded, wet)

"The cows stayed in an enclosed field during the day."

"They toured the neighboring fields."
(neighboring, surrounding)

"The children like to play in the wheat field."
(wheat, corn, barley, cotton)

"They are both well-known in their chosen fields."

"He works in a specialized field of math."
(specialized, related)

"She works in the medical field."
(medical, academic)

"Alternative energy is a rapidly growing field."

"The playing field was too wet to use."
(playing, sports)

"The school has a nice football field."
(football, soccer, baseball, softball)

"The tournament has a very strong field this year."

"They are researching the energy field."
(energy, force, electrical, electromagnetic, magnetic, gravitational)

Used with verbs:

"Not many women work in this field."

"He plows the fields every spring."
(plows, tills, plants, sows, cultivates)

"It is important to irrigate the fields because of the dry climate."

"They fertilized the fields so the crops will grow."

"They are clearing a new field."
(be + clearing)

"The cows graze in the field all day."

"New fields in science are opening up constantly."
(opening up)

"He dominated the field and finished first."
(dominated, led)

"Companies are always entering different fields."
(entering, leaving)

Used with prepositions:

"They walked across a huge field."
(across, through)

"He is studying in the field of computer science."

"She works in the medical field."

"A dog ran on the field."
(on, onto)

"The players need to behave off the field as well."

"Their innovations put them ahead of their chosen field."

Used with nouns:

"She is conducting a field experiment."
(experiment, investigation, study, trial)

"He is doing field research."

"They questioned his field methods."

"We are taking a field trip to the science museum."

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