How to Use "Fight" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fight (n): a struggle or battle between people using physical force; an organized boxing or martial arts competition; an argument


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Used with adjectives:

"He got into a big fight with another kid."
(big, real, vicious, brutal, nasty, fist)

"He likes to watch a good fight."
(good, close)

"It was a fair fight."
(fair, clean, dirty, unfair)

"He was injured in a bar fight."
(bar, street, gang, knife)

"He was challenged to a sword fight."

"They got into a food fight."
(food, pillow, snowball, water gun)

"They watched the championship fight."
(championship, professional, title, heavyweight, lightweight)

"He's putting up a good fight against cancer."
(good, brave, strong)

"It has been a hard fight to get the policy changed."
(hard, long, real, tough, uphill)

"They are in a bitter fight over wages."

"It has become a desperate fight."

"The legal fight has finally ended."
(legal, custody)

"She got into a huge fight with her mother."
(huge, terrible, big)

Used with verbs:

"I tried to find out who started the fight."
(started, picked)

"He is always looking for a fight."
(looking for, asking for)

"The teacher stopped the fight."
(stopped, broke up, ended)

"He was in a fight yesterday."
(be + in, got into)

"He won the fight."
(won, lost)

"They watched the big fight."
(watched, saw)

"A fight broke out in the lunchroom."
(broke out, erupted, started)

"They are putting up a fight over tuition increases."
(be + putting up, be + leading)

"She joined the fight against cancer."

"He faces a tough fight if he wants to get elected."

"She will continue her fight against the disease."
(continue, keep up)

"They gave up their fight for justice."
(gave up, surrendered)

"They get into a fight on a daily basis."
(get into, have)

"Something silly caused a huge fight."
(caused, started, provoked, ignited)

Used with nouns:

"They are filming a big fight sequence."
(sequence, scene)

"He is a huge fight fan."

Used with prepositions:

"His nose was broken in a fight."

"They got into a fight over the game."
(over, about)

"There was a fight between fans of the rival teams."
(between, among)

"He got into a fight with his brother."

"He gave up without a fight."

"This is a new stage in his fight against cancer."
(against, with)

"They will continue their fight for justice."

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