How to Use "Film" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words film (n): a movie; a special material for making photographs or movies; a thin layer over the surface of something


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Used with adjectives:

"He is working on a short film."
(short, feature, feature-length)

"We saw an entertaining film last night."
(entertaining, exciting, good, great, interesting)

"She starred in a blockbuster film."
(blockbuster, successful)

"That was a very violent film."
(violent, , awful, bad, boring)

"She likes silent films."
(silent, black-and-white, animated, independent, foreign, foreign-language, classic)

"That director usually makes action films."
(action, adventure, comedy, documentary, sci-fi, horror)

"She needs to buy some black-and-white film for this project."
(black-and-white, color, slide)

"The books are covered with plastic film."

"A fine film of dust covered the room."
(fine, thin)

Used with verbs:

"We are going to watch a foreign film in class."
(watch, see, view)

"He really enjoys horror films."
(enjoys, likes, loves)

"They made two films last year."
(made, directed, produced, shot)

"The film will be released at Christmas."
(released, shown)

"His new film is based on a true story."
(be + based on)

"The film portrays the reality of life in the 1960s."
(portrays, depicts, presents, shows)

"The film was nominated for three Academy Awards."
(be + nominated for, won)

"Can you show me how to load the film?"
(load, put in, remove, take out, rewind)

"She spends a lot of time developing film."
(developing, processing)

"Be careful not to expose the film before putting it in the camera."

Used with nouns:

"He is a well-known film director."
(director, editor, maker, producer, writer, critic, reviewer)

"Her film career has been very long."

"He made his film debut in 1992."

"We visited a film studio on our trip."
(studio, set)

"They are working on a film version of that novel."
(version, adaption)

"He collects film posters."

"He searched the film archives for the lost clip."
(archives, library)

"They will attend a film festival in France next year."

"The streets were covered in a fine film of ash."
(covered in, covered with)

Used with prepositions:

"The acting is very good in this film."

"He is making a film about World War II."

"I prefer to watch a film with a good story."

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