How to Use "Final" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words final (adj): last; happening at the end of something


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Used with nouns:

"They gave me their final answer."
(answer, offer, confirmation, ruling, recommendation, approval)

"That's the final word on that subject."

"Their final meeting was three weeks before he died."
(meeting, encounter, farewell, parting)

"That was just one final defeat."
(defeat, humiliation, blow, insult)

"The final result wasn't very good."
(result, solution, arrangement, conclusion, impression, version, product)

"We are in the final phase of the process."
(phases, section)

"We have almost reached our final destination."

"She is in the final month of the program."
(month, year, semester, quarter)

"We are preparing for a final showdown."
(showdown, confrontation, battle)

"I'm on the final page."
(page, chapter, paragraph, volume, episode)

"This is your final reminder."
(reminder, warning)

"I just received the final payment."
(payment, invoice, bill, bid, credit, number, settlement)

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