How to Use "Flat" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words flat (n): rented set of rooms in a building for people to live in


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Used with adjectives:

"We live in a large flat."
(large, small, cozy, spacious, tiny, comfortable, one-bedroom, studio)

"Our home is the upstairs flat."
(upstairs, basement, downstairs, penthouse)

Used with verbs:

"You should clean the flat."
(clean, paint, decorate, furnish, rent, sublet)

"I'm trying to find a flat."
(find, rent, lease)

"I am looking for a new flat."
(be + looking for, be + searching for)

"I live in a downtown flat."
(live in, share)

Study Vocabulary Words flat (adj): level, smooth or even; not able to be changed


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Used with verbs:

"The board is flat."
(be: is/am/are, looks, seems)

"He lay flat on the ground until the tornado passed."
(lay, stayed, remained)

"I can't seem to make this flat."
(make, get)

Used with adverbs:

"This area is very flat."
(very, extremely, fairly, quite, rather)

"She tried to make the papers completely flat."
(completely, perfectly, absolutely)

"Their yard is nearly flat."
(nearly, almost, mostly)

Used with nouns:

"He stared out at the flat desert."
(desert, land, roofs, ground, expanse, plain, terrain)

"She used a flat iron to do her hair."

"Put the books on a flat surface."

"He stood on a flat rock."
(rock, slab)

"She always wears flat shoes."
(shoes, sandals)

"He has a flat tire on his car."

"The bike ride stays on flat roads."

"He paid a flat rate."
(rate, fee, tax)

Study Vocabulary Words flat (adv): completely


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Used with adjectives:

"He is flat broke."

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