How to Use "Flight" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words flight (n): an airplane trip; act of flying; a set of stairs


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Used with adjectives:

"He booked a round-trip flight to Europe."
(round-trip, one-way)

"The outbound flight was delayed by bad weather."
(outbound, outgoing, connecting, return, inbound)

"She took a commercial flight to Chicago."
(commercial, charter, private)

"The regular flight was cancelled."
(regular, scheduled)

"There is a direct flight to Hawaii."
(direct, non-stop, weekly, daily)

"I have a short flight home."
(short, long, cross-country, domestic)

"He takes three international flights a month."
(international, transatlantic, transpacific)

"We booked an early flight."
(early, day, evening, morning, night, red-eye)

"He is doing training flights."
(training, solo)

"He participated in space flights."
(space, rocket)

"They took a hot air balloon flight."
(hot air balloon, helicopter, airplane)

"The jet was the first to achieve supersonic flight."

"There is a narrow flight of stairs in their house."
(narrow, short, long, steep, wide)

Used with verbs:

"He caught an early flight home."
(caught, had, took)

"They just made their flight."
(made, missed, caught)

"She booked a flight to Rome."
(booked, got, reserved)

"The team chartered a flight to the game."

"She called to confirm her flight."
(confirm, cancel, change)

"Their flight was diverted because of bad weather."
(be + diverted, be + delayed, be + grounded)

"The flight took off on time."
(took off, departed, arrived, landed)

"We watched a flock of geese take flight."

"Few mammals have achieved flight."

"He climbs three flights of stairs every day at the office."
(climbs, goes up)

Used with nouns:

"She checked her flight schedule."
(schedule, number, time, reservation)

"There have been many flight delays today."
(delays, cancellations)

"He is a flight attendant."

"The flight crew prepared the plane for departure."

"He checked the flight instruments."
(instruments, controller)

"He is going to flight school."

"They are looking for the flight recorder in the wreckage."

"He practiced in a flight simulator."

"The normal flight path goes over the water."

Used with prepositions:

"Passengers cannot smoke during the flight."

"They took a flight from Los Angeles."
(from, to, out of)

"The classroom is up a flight of stairs."
(up, down)

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