How to Use "Foreign" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words foreign (adj): coming from a different country; not familiar


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Used with verbs:

"This concept seems so foreign to me."
(seems, be: is/am/are)

"The new neighbor is foreign."
(be: is/am/are, looks, sounds)

Used with adverbs:

"He has a slightly foreign accent."
(slightly, somewhat, distinctly)

"This food is very foreign to me."
(very, completely, entirely, quite, totally, utterly)

Used with nouns:

"I have never been to a foreign country."

"She works in foreign affairs."
(affairs, commerce, relations, trade, policy)

"The company has foreign customers."
(customers, clients, partners, ownership)

"He transferred to a foreign branch of the company."

"They are concerned about foreign influences in the election."

"They are looking into his foreign assets."
(assets, investments, interests, sales, stocks)

"She uses different teaching methods with foreign students."
(students, learners)

"He works at a foreign embassy."

"We see a lot of foreign visitors in this area."
(visitors, tourists, diplomats, immigrants, travelers)

"They are planning a foreign adventure."
(adventure, expedition, trip, holiday, tour)

"The sample was contaminated by a foreign substance."

"They are concerned about foreign competition."
(competition, competitors, corporations, rivals, manufacturers, producers, suppliers)

"The foreign market is competitive."

"The government is worried about foreign terrorists."
(terrorists, enemies, spies, agents)

"We are working with the foreign army."
(army, troops)

"The foreign press has been very critical of the policy."
(press, media)

"She is interested in foreign films."
(films, culture, languages)

"He speaks with a slight foreign accent."

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