How to Use "Form" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words form (v): to organize or create something; to make something into shape


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Used with verbs:

"They tried to form a task force."
(tried, attempted, agreed, decided, helped)

Used with prepositions:

"She formed the clay into a bowl."

Used with nouns:

"A bruise formed where the ball hit her."
(bruise, lump, bump, scar)

"An idea formed in his head."
(idea, plan)

"Mold formed on the surface."
(mold, ice)

"Crystals formed in the cave."
(crystals, rocks)

"A smile formed on his face."
(smile, grin)

"They came together to form an alliance."
(alliance, association, committee, consensus, group, partnership, task force, majority)

"Connect the dots to form a triangle."
(triangle, circle, curve, shape)

"They formed a network of participants."
(network, web)

"The protestors formed a human barrier."
(barrier, blockade, barricade)

"The friends formed a band."
(band, team, group)

"I'm still forming an opinion."

"Put the words in order to form a sentence."

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