How to Use "Forget" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words forget (v): to be unable to remember


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Used with adverbs:

"I completely forgot about my appointment."
(completely, totally, almost, nearly)

"She will never forget the advice he gave her."

"She quickly forgot about the promises she made."
(quickly, instantly, momentarily, temporarily, conveniently)

"I can't just easily forget what you did to me."

Used with verbs:

"She seems to forget about our plans."
(seems to, tends to)

"He really wants to forget about what happened."
(wants to, tries to)

Used with prepositions:

"I forgot all about that assignment."

Used with nouns:

"She completely forgot about her appointment."
(appointment, assignment, commitment)

"I would really like to forget that incident."
(incident, problem, event)

"He was able to forget his worries for one night and have fun."
(worries, troubles, misery, pain, shyness)

"I can't believe he forgot your birthday."
(birthday, anniversary)

"He always forgets his manners when he drinks."

"I feel so bad that I forgot your name."

"He forgot most of the facts immediately."

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