How to Use "Future" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words future (n): time that will come after the present time; events that will happen


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Used with adjectives:

"I don't see things changing in the near future."
(near, immediate, foreseeable)

"He's always thinking about the distant future."

"This will be the plan for the indefinite future."

"She has a bright future ahead of her."
(bright, exciting, promising)

"He wants a better future for his family."
(better, secure, stable)

"The company faces an uncertain future."
(uncertain, grim, bleak)

"The country's financial future is unknown."
(financial, political, economic)

"He nearly threw away his entire future."
(entire, whole)

Used with verbs:

"She is trying to look to the future."
(look to, plan for)

"I don't think anyone can predict the future."
(predict, tell, see)

"I don't know what the future holds."

"What will the future bring?"

"He faces a bleak future."
(faces, has)

"He is trying to create a better future for his family."
(create, make)

"That decision shaped his political future."
(shaped, influenced, determined, jeopardized, threatened)

"Their careful planning guaranteed a successful future for the company."
(guaranteed, secured)

"They are trying to forecast the company's future."
(forecast, predict, plan)

"He is considering his future very carefully."
(be + considering, be + thinking about)

"They met to discuss her future in academics."

Used with prepositions:

"He has a promising future in politics."

"She has a bright future as a lawyer."

Study Vocabulary Words future (adj): happening or existing at a later time


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Used with nouns:

"She saved the information for future research."
(research, reference, study)

"The future king will be born today."
(king, queen, leader, heir, ruler)

"They are working to increase future profitability."
(profitability, earnings, returns, viability)

"I think I met my future bride yesterday."
(bride, wife, husband, groom, spouse)

"How will this decision affect future generations?"

"Future requirements will be different."
(requirements, qualifications)

"Future versions will be easier to use."
(versions, editions)

"They are trying to prepare for future disasters."
(disasters, conflicts, challenges)

"They are planning for future expansion."
(expansion, growth, demand, success, changes, needs, shortages)

"He didn't consider the future impact of his decision."
(impact, implications, consequences)

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