How to Use "Gain" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words gain (n): an increase in the amount of something


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Used with adjectives:

"They made huge gains in revenue this year."
(huge, major, real, significant, big, dramatic, impressive, substantial)

"The company has made solid gains in the market this year."
(solid, strong, rapid, steady)

"They have only made minimal gains this quarter."
(minimal, modest, small)

"They are trying to increase future gains."
(future, annual, monthly, net, overall, long-term, short-term)

"There will be economic gains from the policy change."
(economic, financial, material, commercial)

"Lack of exercise can cause weight gain."

Used with verbs:

"The company achieved huge gains this year."
(achieved, made)

"They are trying to increase net gains."
(increase, maximize)

"He is trying to minimize weight gain while he's injured."
(minimize, reduce, limit)

"The report showed a minimal gain over the previous year."

Used with prepositions:

"They reported a slight gain in earnings."

Study Vocabulary Words gain (v): to get or win something; to increase the amount of something


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Used with adverbs:

"He quickly gained a bad reputation."
(quickly, rapidly)

"Her plan immediately gained recognition."
(immediately, eventually, finally)

"She slowly gained weight after she stopped exercising."
(slowly, gradually, steadily)

Used with verbs:

"They stand to gain a lot from the new rules."
(stand to)

"She hopes to gain recognition for her work."
(hopes, expects, wants)

"They tried to gain access to the locked building."
(tried, attempted, failed)

Used with prepositions:

"She gained a lot of weight from overeating."

Used with nouns:

"He gained attention for his work."
(attention, acclaim, notoriety, prestige, respect, fame, status)

"She finally gained approval for her project."
(approval, support, backing, permission)

"He gained control of the process."
(control, command)

"They gained the understanding of the system."
(understanding, knowledge)

"His ideas are gaining momentum."
(momentum, acceptance, appreciation, credibility, publicity)

"She has gained a following in the academic community."
(following, reputation)

"He gained the strength he needed."
(strength, skill, expertise, experience, confidence, initiative, inspiration)

"He gained the freedom to choose his projects."
(freedom, independence, right)

"He finally gained entrance into the room."
(entrance, admission)

"She gained membership in the organization."
(membership, employment)

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