How to Use "Gap" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words gap (n): a space between things; a period of time; difference; where something is missing


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Used with adjectives:

"There is a huge gap under the door."
(huge, big, large, wide)

"She has a narrow gap between her front teeth."
(narrow, small, tiny)

"There was a long gap in between his two jobs."
(long, short)

"There was an awkward gap in the middle of our conversation."
(awkward, strange)

"There is a big gap between the two runners in the race."
(big, enormous, large, substantial, significant, huge)

"There seems to be a growing gap between the two generations."
(growing, widening)

"They are trying to address the current cultural gap."
(cultural, gender, racial, generation, age, wealth)

"We are discussing the current income gap."
(income, wage, pay)

Used with verbs:

"Make sure you leave a gap for the window trim."

"We need to seal the gap around the door."
(seal, fill)

"Can you find something to span the gap?"
(cover, conceal, span)

"As they got closer, a gap appeared between the rocks."

"A gap in the traffic finally opened up."
(opened up)

"They are trying to bridge the gap in the different learning levels."
(bridge, address, close, eliminate, narrow, reduce, span)

"The gap between the rich and poor is widening."
(be + widening, be + growing, be + increasing)

"Her departure left a gap in the organization."
(left, created)

"Let me know when you see any gaps in the plan."
(see, identify)

Used with prepositions:

"They slipped through a gap in the fence."

"Leave a small gap between each piece."

"She wants to fill the gap in her schedule."

"She returned to the workforce after a long gap."

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