How to Use "Gold" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words gold (n): a yellow-colored precious metal; the first-place medal


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Used with adjectives:

"This is made of pure gold."
(pure, real, solid)

"The ring is made of 24-carat gold."
(24-carat, 18-carat, 14-carat, 10-carat)

"Her necklace is made of yellow gold."
(yellow, white)

"She won Olympic gold."

Used with verbs:

"He spent most of his life panning for gold."
(panning, mining, looking)

"He finally found gold."
(found, struck, discovered)

"The stone was set in 18-carat gold."
(be + set in)

"He won gold in wrestling."
(won, got, took)

"She is going for the gold this year."
(be + going for)

Used with nouns:

"He worked as a gold miner."
(miner, prospector)

"This town was built on gold mining."
(mining, prospecting)

"They found a small gold deposit."
(deposit, nugget)

"They put the gold bars in the safe."

"She bought a gold bracelet."
(bracelet, chain, coin, necklace, ring)

"He bought her gold jewelry."
(jewelry, earrings)

"The bowl is decorated with gold leaf."

"They are concerned about the gold market."
(market, reserves, stocks)

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