How to Use "God" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words god (n): an object of faith and worship in religion


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Used with adjectives:

"She told us about pagan gods."
(pagan, Greek, Roman, Hindu, Norse)

"They talked about the Christian God."
(Christian, Jewish, Islamic)

"They think he worships a false god."
(false, heathen)

"They gave an offering to the sun god."
(sun, fertility)

Used with verbs:

"She believes in many gods."
(believes in, follows, worships, prays to)

"They have one god in their religion."

"They praised God for their good fortune."
(praised, thanked)

"He found God after his troubles."

"We were taught to obey God."
(obey, serve)

Used with prepositions:

"Mars is the Roman god of war."

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