How to Use "Good" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words good (adj): pleasant; having high quality


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Used with verbs:

"That smells so good."
(smells, looks, sounds, tastes)

"Her food is really good."
(be: is/am/are)

"He is becoming really good at golf."
(be + becoming, be + getting)

"She seems good at math."

Used with adverbs:

"She is really good at singing."
(really, extremely, very, quite, rather)

"His performance was especially good."
(especially, particularly, surprisingly)

"He gave a reasonably good explanation."
(reasonably, fairly)

Used with prepositions:

"He is really good at sports."

"Too much sugar is not good for you."

"That looks good to me."

"She's very good with children."

Used with nouns:

"I want to be a good actor."
(actor, actress, performer, singer, dancer, writer, athlete, speaker)

"She always gives good advice."
(advice, feedback, suggestions, support)

"I finally got a good answer."
(answer, response)

"That's a really good book."
(book, show, movie)

"He has a good appetite."
(appetite, attitude)

"He had a good meal."
(meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner)

"She got a good bargain."
(bargain, price, deal, value)

"She rewarded them for good behavior."
(behavior, conduct)

"He made a good comeback."

"He lacks good common sense."
(common sense, judgment)

"He's a good candidate for the job."

"The library has a good collection of books on this topic."
(collection, selection)

"Peanut butter and chocolate is a good combination."

"We haven't had good communication with them."
(communication, talks, discussions)

"He has been a good customer."

"She has good qualifications."
(qualifications, credentials)

"I don't know if that's a good question."
(question, decision, choice, compromise, resolution, solution)

"She received a good education before moving here."

"Can you recommend a good doctor?"
(doctor, lawyer, specialist, instructor, teacher, dentist)

"We don't have good evidence."
(evidence, details, information, results)

"I have a good feeling about this."

"He has good grammar."
(grammar, spelling, handwriting, pronunciation)

"She's trying to maintain her good health."
(health, hearing, eyesight, vision)

"He earns a good salary."
(salary, wage, living)

"They make a good product."

"They have a good marriage."
(marriage, relationship, friendship)

"That was a good lesson."
(lesson, question)

"He's in a good position for a promotion."

"I try to be a good parent."
(parent, father, mother, wife, husband, daughter, son, grandparent)

"That's a good plan."
(plan, strategy, thought, idea)

"He put together a good presentation."
(presentation, report, summary)

"She's a good teacher."
(teacher, student, writer, worker, listener, tutor, leader)

"That was a good turnout at the event."
(turnout, attendance)

"We've had good weather this year."

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