How to Use "Water" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words water (n): a colorless liquid used for drinking, bathing, washing, cleaning and swimming


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Used with adjectives:

"The recipe says to add boiling water."
(boiling, hot, warm, cold)

"You should drink clean water."
(clean, purified, fresh, filtered, distilled)

"The restaurant serves tap water."
(tap, bottled, mineral, spring)

"She accidentally swallowed sea water while swimming."
(sea, salt)

"The water is deep."
(deep, shallow, clear, muddy, dirty, contaminated)

"The fisherman took the boat out into the open water."

"They were caught in stormy waters."
(stormy, rough)

"The water is safe to drink."
(safe, dangerous, harmful)

Used with verbs:

"He drinks water throughout the day."
(drinks, sips)

"The children were spraying water on each other."
(be + spraying, be + squirting, be + splashing, be + spilling)

"They are contaminating the water with trash."
(be + contaminating, be + polluting)

"Turn off the water."
(turn off, turn on, drain)

"Please boil some water for tea."
(boil, heat, pour, serve)

"Water is dripping from the pipes."
(be + dripping, be + leaking)

"Water was running down the street."
(be + running, be + pouring, be + flowing)

"The water froze."
(froze, cooled, evaporated)

Used with prepositions:

"We can see something in the water."

"The toy boat floats on the water."

"The fish swim quickly through the water."
(through, under)

Used with nouns:

"The water temperature is warm."

"The water pressure is low."
(pressure, level, quality)

"The small village does not have good water supply."
(supply, resources, treatment, purification)

"We need to replace the water filter."
(filter, pipe, tank, pump)

"Water pollution is a growing problem."
(pollution, shortage)

"We need more water bottles."

"He likes to play water sports."

Study Vocabulary Words water (v): to pour a colorless liquid on something like plants, flowers, and grass to help them grow


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Used with adverbs:

"He waters his lawn daily."
(daily, regularly, frequently, often)

Used with nouns:

"She waters the plants."
(plants, garden, lawn, yard)

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