How to Use "Heavy" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words heavy (adj): weighs a lot; greater than normal; thick


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Used with verbs:

"That box is really heavy."
(be: is/am/are, feels, looks, seems)

"He is getting too heavy to carry."
(be + getting, be + growing, be + becoming)

"The books are making this box really heavy."
(be + making)

"I don't find that heavy."

"The rain is really heavy today."
(be: is/am/are)

"Traffic gets heavy in the afternoon."
(gets, becomes)

Used with adverbs:

"My suitcase is extremely heavy."
(extremely, fairly, very)

Used with nouns:

"Heavy rain is in the forecast."
(rain, rainfall, flooding, snow)

"You need training to use heavy equipment."
(equipment, machinery)

"I need a heavy blanket to keep me warm."
(blanket, sweater, coat, jacket)

"The castle has a heavy door."
(door, gate)

"Secure the gate with a heavy chain."

"Heavy fog covered the city."
(fog, smoke, clouds)

"He is moving a heavy load."
(load, cart, suitcase, box)

"He has a heavy accent."

"There is heavy traffic today."

"She wears heavy make-up."

"She received a heavy sentence for her crimes."
(sentence, punishment, penalty)

"The doctors are keeping her under heavy sedation."
(sedation, guard)

"Be careful moving heavy weights."
(weights, objects)

"He was a heavy smoker for many years."
(smoker, drinker)

"That was a really heavy meal."

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