How to Use "Highly" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words highly (adv): very; to a great degree


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Used with adjectives:

"He is a highly accomplished scientist."
(accomplished, respected, knowledgeable, educated, experienced)

"Her statement is highly accurate."
(accurate, misleading, ambiguous)

"They are highly active in their community."
(active, involved)

"His behavior was highly amusing."
(amusing, troubling, disruptive, erratic, embarrassing)

"These changes will be highly beneficial."
(beneficial, useful, desirable, favorable, important)

"The process is highly complex."
(complex, confusing, ineffective, complicated)

"The new location is highly convenient."
(convenient, accessible)

"Her solution is highly creative."
(creative, innovative, effective, logical, versatile, promising, profitable)

"This substance is highly flammable."
(flammable, dangerous, poisonous)

"He is highly dissatisfied with the results."
(dissatisfied, unhappy)

"They are highly responsible for the failure."

"He is highly skeptical about her intentions."
(skeptical, suspicious)

Used with verbs:

"We highly suggest that you make these changes."
(suggest, recommend, encourage, advise)

"The solution is highly diluted."

"Her decision was highly influenced by his advice."

"He highly doubts that she is sincere."

"This school is highly rated."
(rated, ranked)

"We were rewarded highly for our help."
(be + rewarded, be + praised)

"These items are highly taxed."
(taxed, valued, priced)

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