How to Use "Historical" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words historical (adj): concerning past events


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Used with nouns:

"There are many historical accounts of that event."

"We're going through the historical archives."
(archives, documents, collection, photographs, materials)

"They are concerned with historical accuracy."
(accuracy, inaccuracy)

"They met with representatives from the historical association."
(association, museum, society)

"She likes to read historical fiction."
(fiction, novels, stories)

"That event has great historical importance."
(importance, significance)

"They are looking at the historical framework of the law."
(framework, record, evolution)

"What is the historical basis for his claim?"
(basis, background, context, standpoint)

"They are investigating from a historical perspective."
(perspective, point of view, interpretation)

"There is little historical understanding of that event."
(understanding, knowledge)

"He is an important historical figure."
(figure, person)

"They will visit many historical monuments on their trip."
(monuments, sites)

"They are looking at the historical data."
(data, examples, explanations, details, parallels)

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Next Word by Letter: history
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Next Word by Frequency: investment

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