How to Use "History" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words history (n): the study of past events; a series of past events


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Used with adjectives:

"She's interested in the recent history of that group."
(recent, contemporary, early)

"He's an expert in ancient history."
(ancient, medieval, modern, world)

"She wants to learn more about local history."
(local, art, religious, economic, literary, military)

"He's researching his family history."

"This is one of the greatest disasters in human history."
(human, recorded)

"He spoke about the colorful history of the town."
(colorful, fascinating, interesting)

"They discussed their shared history."
(shared, common)

"There is a long history of poverty here."

"She wrote down her employment history."
(employment, family, medical, credit, personal)

Used with verbs:

"This day will go down in history."
(go down in, be marked)

"He made history today."

"The conflict has now faded into history."
(faded into)

"He traced his family's history back five hundred years."

"It's important to document history."
(document, chronicle)

"He recounted the history of the building."
(recounted, told)

"He was criticized for trying to rewrite history."
(rewrite, distort, alter)

"They are reconstructing the history of the town."
(be + reconstructing)

"The group's history goes back to the Civil War."
(goes back to)

"History reveals that war solves few problems."
(reveals, shows, suggests, teaches)

"History often repeats itself."
(repeats itself)

"They have a history of bad behavior."

Used with prepositions:

"This has been a recurring problem during the school's history."
(during, throughout)

"This was one of the worst natural disasters in history."

"We're reading about the history of American politics."

"There is a history of serious health problems in their family."

Previous Word by Letter: historical
Next Word by Letter: hit
Previous Word by Frequency: any
Next Word by Frequency: often

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