How to Use "Hot" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words hot (adj): having a high temperature; not cold; spicy


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Used with verbs:

"The weather is so hot."
(be: is/am/are)

"The day suddenly became hot."
(became, grew, turned, got)

"She feels hot sitting by the fire."
(feels, looks, be: is/am/are)

"I hope the food stays hot."

"This should be eaten hot."
(eaten, served)

"The container should keep the food hot."

"This tastes too hot."
(tastes, be: is/am/are)

Used with adverbs:

"It's extremely hot."
(extremely, fairly, very, quite, too)

"Summers are really hot here."
(really, incredibly, scorching, unbearably, uncomfortably)

"It's a little hot today."
(a little)

"The soup was scalding hot."
(scalding, piping, steaming, burning, boiling)

"Is that hot enough?"

"Her food is extremely hot."
(extremely, really, pretty)

"The coffee is slightly hot."
(slightly, a little)

Used with nouns:

"This is a really hot day."
(day, afternoon, month, summer)

"Would you like some hot coffee?"
(coffee, tea, chocolate, cider)

"She felt a blast of hot air when she opened the door."

"Make sure the oven is hot."
(oven, stove, burner, broiler, grill)

"They live in a hot climate."
(climate, country)

"She made him a hot meal."
(meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper)

"I can't eat this hot pepper."
(pepper, curry, mustard)

"I'm going to take a hot shower."
(shower, bath)

"Be careful with the hot coals."

"The hot sand hurt her feet."

"They relaxed in the hot tub."
(tub, springs)

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