How to Use "Host" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words host (n): someone who entertains guests; the person or group in charge of an event; the person who leads a television or radio show


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Used with adjectives:

"She was a generous host."
(generous, good, gracious, perfect)

"He's a popular game-show host."
(game-show, radio, talk-show, television, TV)

"Today we will have a guest host."

Used with verbs:

"She acted as host when we were in town."
(acted as, played)

Used with nouns:

"We are grateful to the host city."
(city, community, state, government)

"She really likes her host family."

Study Vocabulary Words host (v): to lead or hold an event


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Used with adverbs:

"The tournament will be jointly hosted by France and Spain."

Used with verbs:

"She agreed to host the family dinner."
(agreed, offered)

Used with nouns:

"The group is hosting a dinner for members."
(dinner, evening, event, feast, gala, party, luncheon, reception)

"The school is hosting a debate."
(debate, forum, meeting, seminar, talk, workshop)

"Chicago will host the next convention."
(convention, conference, festival, exhibition, summit)

"The winning team will host the tournament."
(tournament, championship, game)

"They are hosting important guests this week."
(guests, visitors)

"He will host the show next year."
(show, premiere, program)

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