How to Use "Impossible" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words impossible (adj): cannot happen or be done; very difficult to deal with


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Used with verbs:

"His ideas sound impossible."
(sound, seem, be: is/am/are, appear, look, prove)

"The bad weather made it impossible to play baseball."

"I find it impossible to stay mad at him."

"He is impossible to work with."
(be: is/am/are, be + becoming, remains)

Used with adverbs:

"It is absolutely impossible to finish the project today."
(absolutely, completely, totally, utterly, humanly, downright)

"It is almost impossible to reach him during the day."
(almost, nearly, practically, virtually, simply, pretty)

"Her handwriting is literally impossible to read."

"Both options are equally impossible."

"It's financially impossible for us to buy a house right now."

"It is physically impossible to achieve that goal."
(physically, technically, scientifically, mathematically, logically)

"You are just impossible to live with."
(just, simply, absolutely, completely, quite, totally)

Used with prepositions:

"It's impossible for me to understand you."

Used with nouns:

"That is an impossible demand."
(demand, dilemma, dream, feat, obstacle, task)

"Those are impossible odds."

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