How to Use "Important" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words important (adj): significant and valuable


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Used with verbs:

"The message seems important."
(seems, sounds, be: is/am/are)

"She makes me feel important."

"What makes you so important?"

"He believes he is very important."
(believes, thinks)

"His findings have become important to the research."
(become, remained)

Used with adverbs:

"It is extremely important that you see a doctor."
(extremely, very, critically)

"Good communication is tremendously important in a marriage."
(tremendously, vitally, particularly, especially, incredibly)

"Both suggestions are equally important."
(equally, obviously, very, profoundly)

"It is pretty important that you finish the project on time."
(pretty, fairly, quite, obviously)

Used with prepositions:

"It's important for you to read this."

"Spending time with my family is important to me."

Used with nouns:

"There will be an important addition to the company."
(addition, change)

"She missed a very important appointment."
(appointment, assignment, clue, detail, fact, feature, ingredient, item, meeting, part, piece, requirement)

"They made an important breakthrough."
(breakthrough, discovery, finding)

"He is an important client."
(client, customer, guest, person, visitor)

"I had to make an important decision."

"She learned an important lesson."

"That was an important moment for him."
(moment, occasion, place, reminder, role, victory)

Previous Word by Letter: importance
Next Word by Letter: impossible
Previous Word by Frequency: want
Next Word by Frequency: family

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