How to Use "Improvement" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words improvement (n): the act of making something better


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Used with adjectives:

"We were hoping for a significant improvement."
(significant, huge, major, continuous)

"We saw a slight improvement from the last test."
(slight, small, actual)

"He made some noticeable improvements to his house."
(noticeable, drastic, minor, temporary, much-needed, necessary, obvious, visible)

"We saw a gradual improvement in his writing."
(gradual, steady, definite, real)

"The suggested improvements were not completed."
(suggested, expected, desired, planned)

Used with verbs:

"His last test score reflected an improvement in math."
(reflected, showed, indicated, demonstrated)

"I hope she maintains her improvement in math."

"He made steady improvements at work."

"The boss demanded improvements in production."
(demanded, encouraged, expected, wanted)

"The new school program produced improvements in reading."
(produced, offered, provided, resulted in, yielded)

"The old house requires substantial improvements before the new owners can move in."
(requires, needs)

"The doctor suggested certain improvements to his diet."
(suggested, recommended, encouraged)

"You will notice significant improvements in your health with proper diet and exercise."
(notice, see, witness, experience)

Used with nouns:

"We submitted a big improvement plan to the company directors."
(plan, project)

Used with prepositions:

"The school district wants to see significant improvements in all subjects."

"Substantial improvements were made to the building."
(to, in, around, on)

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