How to Use "Incident" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words incident (n): an event or occurrence


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Used with adjectives:

"There was a major incident at work."
(major, serious)

"They were fighting over a minor incident."
(minor, small, little)

"The book was based on an actual incident."
(actual, real, real-life)

"Let's forget the whole incident."
(whole, entire)

"They finished the project without further incident."

"It was an isolated incident."
(isolated, separate)

"There was a bad incident at school."
(bad, terrible, horrible, embarrassing, traumatic, dramatic)

"The kids witnessed the violent incident."
(violent, deadly, tragic, fatal)

"The police are investigating the reported incident."
(reported, latest, recent, past)

Used with verbs:

"She was involved in the incident."
(be + involved in)

"Who caused the incident?"
(caused, created, provoked, be + responsible for)

"Did you witness the incident?"
(witness, see)

"The police are investigating the incident."
(be + investigating)

"He could not remember the incident."
(remember, forget, recall)

"She described the incident to the police."

"He was hurt in the incident."
(be + hurt in, be + injured in, be + killed in)

"The family survived the incident."
(survived, lived through)

"The incident occurred two days ago."
(occurred, took place, happened)

"The incident resulted in a riot."
(resulted in, led to, caused)

Used with prepositions:

"He will never forget the incident with his neighbor."

"Innocent people were hurt in the incident."
(in, by, during)

"The meeting ended without further incident."

"She was suspended for a week over the incident."

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