How to Use "Industry" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words industry (n): a group of businesses that make certain products or provide certain services


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Used with adjectives:

"He is working for a growing industry."
(growing, booming, thriving)

"It is becoming a major industry."
(major, important)

"The government needs to support domestic industries."
(domestic, local, private)

"The construction industry is growing fast."
(construction, tourism, textile, computer)

"The pharmaceutical industry is strictly regulated."
(pharmaceutical, airline, tobacco)

"It is hard to get into the entertainment industry."
(entertainment, music, film)

Used with verbs:

"The government should help growing industries."
(help, support, protect, subsidize)

"She is studying to enter the biotech industry."
(enter, go into, join)

"The hurricane has damaged the local tourism industry."
(damaged, hurt, crippled, destroyed, devastated)

"He invested money to expand the industry."
(expand, grow, develop, improve)

"The technology industry is experiencing major growth."
(be + experiencing, be + facing)

Used with nouns:

"His company became an industry leader."

"She became an industry expert."
(expert, analyst)

"Smart phones have become an industry standard."

Used with prepositions:

"Changes happen quickly in the tourism industry."
(in, within)

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