How to Use "Media" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words media (n): mass communication; materials used by artists


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Used with verbs:

"She was portrayed unfairly in the media."
(be + portrayed)

"The media focused on the wrong points."

"The media manipulated the story."
(manipulated, covered, reported, ignored, picked up)

"That company dominates the media."
(dominates, controls)

"People blamed the media for exaggerating the incident."
(blamed, accused, criticized)

Used with nouns:

"Media relations are poor."

"What's the most popular media outlet?"

"He's a media tycoon."
(tycoon, mogul)

"He was overwhelmed by the media coverage."
(coverage, attention, spotlight, interest, hype)

"They run a media conglomerate."
(conglomerate, empire, group, company)

"The candidate ran a successful media campaign."

"I read the media report."

"They are accused of media bias."

Used with adjectives:

"I don't follow the conservative media."
(conservative, liberal, left-wing, right-wing)

"The foreign media picked up the story."
(foreign, international, national, local)

"The news media is everywhere."
(news, mass, mainstream)

"We mostly use digital media."
(digital, electronic, interactive, visual)

"Print media is dying."

Used with prepositions:

"How was she portrayed in the media?"
(in, through)

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