How to Use "Injury" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words injury (n): harm or damage done to a person or animal


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Used with adjectives:

"He suffered a bad injury in the accident."
(bad, catastrophic, devastating, horrendous, major, serious, severe, terrible)

"She sustained multiple injuries when she fell off the roof."
(multiple, extensive, minor, slight)

"He suffered a facial injury while skiing."
(facial, head, knee, leg, spinal)

"That baseball player suffered a career-ending injury."
(career-ending, season-ending, career-threatening)

"My knee hurts from a sports injury."
(sports, sports-related, work-related)

"The collision caused permanent injury."
(permanent, long-term, internal, bodily)

"She suffered a fatal injury in the car crash."

Used with verbs:

"He suffered a head injury."
(suffered, sustained, had, experienced)

"Her reckless driving caused serious injury to the passenger."
(caused, resulted in)

"Do not risk injury by climbing that tall tree."

"He was accused of faking an injury."

"Wearing a bicycle helmet can help avoid injury."
(avoid, prevent)

"Sadly his father died from multiple injuries."
(died from, died of)

"The injury ended his football career."
(ended, shortened, ruined, destroyed)

"Her injuries are healing well."
(be + healing)

"How did the injury occur?"
(occur, happen)

Used with nouns:

"The team suffered lots of injury problems."

"She taught a class on injury prevention."

"The doctor asked for his injury history."

"What is the injury risk associated with this sport?"
(risk, rate)

"He filed an injury claim."
(claim, case, lawsuit, report)

Used with prepositions:

"He continued to play through his knee injury."
(through, with)

"John suffered injuries from the fire."
(from, in)

"She suffered an injury to her spinal cord."

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