How to Use "Instruction" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words instruction (n): detailed information on how to do something; something that someone tells you to do


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Used with adjectives:

"He provided clear instructions."
(clear, detailed, specific, step-by-step, full, comprehensive)

"The instructions were very complex."
(complex, difficult, basic, simple, general)

"He prefers verbal instructions."
(verbal, written)

"She lost the safety instructions."
(safety, operating, special, washing, cooking, installation, programming)

"She was given explicit instructions of what to do with her grandmother's estate."
(explicit, clear, specific, direct, special)

"She gave her children strict instructions not to open the door."
(strict, firm)

"We are waiting for further instructions from his father's will."
(further, new, final)

Used with verbs:

"You should always read the instructions."
(read, follow, obey)

"He did not understand the instructions."
(understand, receive, get, follow)

"She gave him detailed instructions."
(gave, left)

"Please repeat the instructions."

"The appliance came with instructions."
(came with)

"He failed to carry out his manager's instructions."
(carry out, follow, act on)

"He has detailed instructions of what to do in case of an emergency."
(has, received)

"She was fired for disobeying his clear instructions."
(disobeying, ignoring)

Used with nouns:

"I had to refer to the instruction manual."
(manual, booklet, book, sheet)

Used with prepositions:

"Service your car according to the instruction manual."
(according to, in accordance with)

"She needed the instructions on how to use the printer."

"We are waiting for the instructions about what to do."
(about, as to)

"Follow the instructions for beginners."

"We are waiting for further instructions from the boss."

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