How to Use "Investigate" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words investigate (v): to try to find out the facts or information about an incident


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Used with adjectives:

"The police are carefully investigating the accident."
(carefully, closely, extensively, fully, properly, thoroughly, actively, vigorously, rigorously)

"Researchers are experimentally investigating the new bacteria."
(experimentally, scientifically)

Used with verbs:

"A detective has been called in to investigate the case."
(called in to, asked to)

"He decided to investigate the situation by himself."
(decided to, wanted to, demanded to)

"The company has promised to investigate the complaints."
(promised to, agreed to, pledged to)

Used with prepositions:

"He is being investigated for a crime."

Used with nouns:

"The detective is investigating the motive for murder."
(detective, journalist, officer, prosecutor)

"The police have been called in to investigate the abuse."
(abuse, case, charge, claim, complaint, crime, death, disappearance, incident, murder, problem, violation)

"We are investigating the effects of the new drug."
(effects, effectiveness, extent, misuse, nature, workings)

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