How to Use "Job" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words job (n): work that someone does to earn money; a task


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Used with adjectives:

"He is hoping to find a good job."
(good, decent, great, worthwhile, interesting, steady, regular, permanent, new, better)

"My dream job is to be a pilot."
(dream, ideal)

"She hated her boring job."
(boring, lousy, dead-end, desk, office, factory)

"He was searching for a rewarding job."
(rewarding, challenging, exciting, demanding, high-paying, well-paying, full-time, part-time, temporary)

"College students are looking for summer jobs."
(summer, evening, weekend)

"He really wants a coaching job."
(coaching, construction, teaching)

"You did a great job with your project."
(great, amazing, awesome, excellent, incredible, outstanding, remarkable, terrific, wonderful, superb)

"We did a poor job of managing our finances."
(poor, bad, terrible, lousy, horrible)

"He thought the job was easy."
(easy, hard, difficult, tough, challenging, tedious)

Used with verbs:

"She has a good job at the hospital."

"He is looking for a better job."
(be + looking for, be + applying for, be + getting)

"After the interview, they offered her the job."
(offered, gave, denied, refused)

"She found a temporary job yesterday."
(found, got, took, accepted, started)

"He finally resigned from his job."
(resigned from, quit, left)

"She loves her new job."
(loves, likes, hates)

"He interviewed for the job."
(interviewed for, applied for)

"The company is planning to cut 100 jobs."
(cut, eliminate, shed, outsource)

"She certainly knows her job."

"The job doesn't pay very well."
(pay, compensate)

"The job requires specific skills."
(requires, entails, calls for)

"She did a great job with the decorating."

"I was pleased with how he handled the job."
(handled, took on, completed, finished, carried out)

Used with nouns:

"He is not having any success with his job search."

"She completed her job application."

"He had two job offers last week."
(offers, interviews)

"He prefers job security over a high salary."
(security, satisfaction)

"What is the job title?"
(title, description)

"There are no current job openings at this time."
(openings, opportunities)

Used with prepositions:

"He did a good job on the car."

"All of a sudden she found herself out of a job."
(out of)

"She has a job as a waitress."

"He got a teaching job at the university."

"My father had a job in a large company."

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