How to Use "Music" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words music (n): an organized arrangement of sounds made in a pleasing way; written symbols or notes that represent sounds


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Used with verbs:

"He plays music in a club."
(plays, performs, sings)

"She composed the music for the film."
(composed, wrote, produced, created)

"I am listening to music."
(be + listening to, be + playing)

"We could hear the music across the street."

"I turned down the music."
(turned down, turned up)

"Their music sounds really good."
(sounds, be : is/am/are)

"He appreciates good music."
(appreciates, arranges, distributes)

"He always blares his music in the car."
(blares, blasts)

"The music faded as we walked away."

"He recorded the music onto a disc."
(recorded, downloaded)

"Can you read sheet music?"

Used with nouns:

"The music industry is hard to get into without connections."
(industry, business)

"The band is on top of the music charts."

"I don't share her music style."
(style, taste, appreciation)

"I attended a music school."
(school, academy)

"We are going to the music festival this weekend."
(festival, library, concert, event)

"The music label signed us yesterday."
(label, producer)

"I have music lessons every week."
(lessons, classes, therapy)

"He is a music critic."
(critic, lover, teacher, star)

"He is the lead singer of a music band."
(band, group)

"I love the unique music scene here."

"She received a top music award."

"The new music video is coming out soon."
(video, album)

"What music channel do you listen to?"
(channel, station)

Used with adjectives:

"I like listening to rock music."
(rock, classical, rap, dance, disco, gospel, jazz, pop, country) *many additional adjectives

"She wrote the theme music for the movie."
(theme, background)

"Their band plays wonderful music."
(wonderful, beautiful, good, great)

"We could hear soft music coming from the house next door."
(soft, quiet, loud)

"They're playing live music in the concert hall."
(live, orchestral, guitar, piano, chamber)

"I find elevator music soothing."
(elevator, mood)

"Can you read sheet music?"
(sheet, printed)

Used with prepositions:

"They danced to the music."

"He wrote the music for the show."

"She sang without music."
(without, with)

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