How to Use "Lead" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words lead (v): to show the way; to cause


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Used with adverbs:

"The police led him back to prison."

"She led him out of the house."

"He led him directly to the hospital."

"Anger usually leads to bad choices."
(usually, normally, indirectly, likely)

"She finally led him to the prize."
(finally, eventually, ultimately)

"Overeating can easily lead to obesity."
(easily, certainly, likely, undoubtedly, naturally)

Used with verbs:

"Let me lead the way."
(let, allow)

"She is helping to lead a group discussion."
(be + helping to)

Used with prepositions:

"She led them along a dark hallway."
(along, down, through)

"His comments led to his resignation."

Study Vocabulary Words lead (n): an example to follow; a position at the front; the main role in a movie, film, or play; a clue to an unsolved crime


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Used with adjectives:

"He has a big lead over the other marathon cyclists."
(big, clear, comfortable, commanding, good, healthy, huge, significant, solid, strong, substantial)

"She is ahead by just a narrow lead."
(narrow, slight, slim, small)

"The team's overall lead helped them win the final competition."
(overall, early)

"I got the romantic lead in the movie."
(romantic, female, male)

"The police have some promising leads in the murder case."
(promising, good, solid, new, possible)

Used with verbs:

"He should take the lead in solving this issue."
(take, follow)

"She has a narrow lead over the other cyclists."

"His team took an early lead."
(took, got, built, had)

"The runner maintained the lead."
(maintained, held, kept, retained)

"They regained the lead during the last quarter."
(regained, retook, extended, increased, widened)

"She is playing the lead in the new romantic movie."
(be + playing)

"Did the police find any new leads?"
(find, get, follow, pursue, give, have)

Used with prepositions:

"They were fighting to stay in the lead."

"The runner gave their team the lead over their opponent."
(over, against)

"Are there any new leads on the murder case?"

Used with nouns:

"He is the lead character in the movie."
(character, role, actor, actress)

"She is the lead singer of the band."
(singer, vocalist, guitarist)

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