How to Use "Leader" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words leader (n): the person who leads a group, organization, or country


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Used with adjectives:

"He is an inspirational leader."
(inspirational, charismatic, effective, good, great, inspired, inspiring, visionary, born, natural, true)

"She became a powerful leader in the company."
(powerful, prominent, strong, influential, key, top)

"We came to realize that he was a corrupt leader."
(corrupt, weak, poor, terrible)

"He is the elected leader of the group."
(elected, chosen)

"He is a well-known political leader."
(political, spiritual, religious, military, local, national, world, business, community, government)

Used with verbs:

"She was elected as the leader of the organization."
(be + elected, be + appointed, be + chosen)

"He became the new leader after the elections."

Used with prepositions:

"She is a powerful leader in her field."

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