How to Use "Level" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words level (n): an amount, size or number


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Used with adjectives:

"The company's production has reached a high level."
(high, significant, substantial, record)

"Excessive levels of bacteria were found on the surface."
(excessive, increasing, rising, low, detectable, moderate, dangerous, unacceptable)

"We need to bring his blood pressure back to a normal level."
(normal, acceptable, adequate, safe)

"The city's crime level seems to be increasing every year."
(crime, poverty, noise, pollution, radiation)

"My father needs to check his cholesterol level every three months."
(cholesterol, blood-sugar)

"His confidence level is increasing each day."
(confidence, energy, stress)

Used with verbs:

"I finally reached the highest level in this video game."
(reached, attained)

"Interest rates should remain at the current level."

"They need to increase the production level."
(increase, improve, raise, boost, maintain, decrease, lower, control, regulate, adjust, change)

"She needs to check her blood-sugar level."
(check, monitor, measure, record)

"His blood pressure level went up this week."
(went up, rose, soared, dropped, fell, went down)

Used with prepositions:

"It was located above sea level."
(above, below)

"He needs to keep his blood pressure at a safe level."

"She needs to reduce her level of stress."

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