How to Use "Order" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words order (n): a neat arrangement; a request for food at a restaurant; a request for items to be delivered; a demand from authority or a judge


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Used with verbs:

"She gave him an order."
(gave, sent)

"The waiter took our order."

"I have an order from the boss."
(have, received, got, signed)

"The dog follows his owner's orders well."
(follows, obeys)

"He disobeyed my orders."
(disobeyed, ignored, awaited, carried out, violated, revoked, cancelled)

"The police tried to maintain order."
(maintain, preserve, keep, impose, enforce, create)

"The judge issued an order."
(issued, made)

"I put in an order for pizza."
(put in, placed, filled)

"The order was executed yesterday."
(be + executed, be + changed, be + fulfilled, be + met)

"He completed my order."
(completed, took care of)

"The food is made to order."
(be + made to)

"They put everything in order."
(put, set, placed, arranged)

"The room was called to order."
(be + called, be + brought)

Used with adjectives:

"She is a short order cook."

"She is a mail order bride."

"I want a side order of fries."

"The shoes I want are on back order."

"We got a bulk order for T-shirts."
(bulk, new, large, small)

"He has doctor's orders to stay in bed."

"I had to arrange the books in the right order."
(right, correct)

"The room is in good order."

"We all stood in ascending order."
(ascending, descending)

"He has standing orders from his commander."
(standing, direct, strict)

"The papers are in reverse order."
(reverse, alphabetical, chronological, numerical, random)

"I have a restraining order against him."
(restraining, court)

Used with nouns:

"Please fill out an order form online."

Used with prepositions:

"The books are in alphabetical order."

"The tapes are out of order."
(out of)

"The dishes are placed in order by size."

"I did it on my commander's orders."

"I was under orders at the time."

"I placed an order for pizza."

Study Vocabulary Words order (v): to request food at a restaurant; to request items for delivery; to tell someone what to do in a commanding way; to arrange in a particular way


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Used with nouns:

"We haven't ordered any food yet."
(food, drinks, wine, dessert)

"I ordered a sandwich."
(sandwich, appetizer, soup, beer, soda) *many additional nouns

"They ordered a ceasefire."
(ceasefire, enquiry, taxi, cab, investigation)

"The court has ordered a warrant for his arrest."
(court, judge)

"We ordered dinner already."
(dinner, lunch, breakfast)

Used with adverbs:

"I ordered direct from the factory."
(direct, directly)

"The books are ordered alphabetically."
(alphabetically, chronologically, numerically)

"I ordered the shoes online."

"I specifically ordered her not to do that."
(specifically, immediately, personally)

"He keeps ordering me around."

"I ordered out tonight."
(out, in)

Used with prepositions:

"I ordered these shoes off the internet."
(off, on, from)

"The books are ordered according to title."

"I ordered pizza for the class."

"She ordered him out of the room."
(out of)

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