How to Use "Link" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words link (n): a connection between two things or situations


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Used with adjectives:

"There is a close link between poor nutrition and diseases."
(close, strong, clear, definite, obvious, possible, potential, direct, indirect)

"Nurses provide a vital link between doctors and patients."
(vital, essential, important, significant, critical, crucial)

"The police were trying to find the missing link in the case."

Used with verbs:

"They found a possible link between the two cases."
(found, discovered, identified, revealed, uncovered)

"The company is trying to build a strong link with the manufacturer."
(build, create, develop, establish, make)

"Studies highlight the link between diet and diseases."
(highlight, demonstrate, show, examine, explore, suggest, prove)

"A close link exists between music and the visual arts."

Used with prepositions:

"We found the link between the two cases."

"He was the weakest link in the team."
(in, on)

"She always had a strong link with children."

Study Vocabulary Words link (v): to connect


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Used with adverbs:

"He was closely linked to a local gang."
(closely, strongly, tightly, directly)

"She was indirectly linked to a political party."
(indirectly, loosely, consistently, clearly, obviously)

"He is intimately linked to his ex-wife."
(intimately, romantically, secretly, physically, forever)

Used with prepositions:

"It was discovered that she was closely linked to the rival team."
(to, with)

Used with nouns:

"The police think she is linked to the murder."
(murder, crime, robbery)

"They linked arms as they walked into the room."

"The bridge links the two towns."
(bridge, route)

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