How to Use "Perfect" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words perfect (adj): having no mistakes; completely correct


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Used with adverbs:

"Dinner was absolutely perfect."
(absolutely, completely, just, quite, really, simply, totally, truly)

"His test scores are far from perfect."
(far from, hardly, less than)

"Her test scores are almost perfect."
(almost, near, nearly, practically, virtually)

"His teeth looked too perfect to be real."

"She continued to style her already perfect hair."

Used with verbs:

"The holiday decorations are perfect."
(be: is/am/are, look, seem)

"Practice makes perfect."

Used with prepositions:

"She is perfect for him."

Used with nouns:

"Wine is the perfect accompaniment to dinner."

"He can shoot with perfect accuracy."

"She was not arrested because she had the perfect alibi."
(alibi, excuse)

"Her son is a perfect angel."
(angel, baby)

"He gave the perfect answer to the trick question."
(answer, response)

"She maintains a perfect balance at work and home."

"She has the perfect body."
(body, figure, physique)

"She is the perfect candidate for the job."
(candidate, choice)

"The dish was a perfect blend of two spices."
(blend, combination, mix)

"The used car is in perfect condition."

"They make a perfect couple."

"She gave the police a perfect description of the thief."

"It was the perfect ending to a great story."
(ending, conclusion)

"It was the perfect time to leave."

"It was perfect timing when they arrived."

"There would be no war in a perfect world."

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