How to Use "Literature" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words literature (n): classic writing valued as art; written information related to a subject


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Used with adjectives:

"He was always interested in classical literature."
(classical, contemporary, modern, popular, great, 19th-century, 20th-century)

"She taught African literature for 20 years."
(African, American, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Latin American) *many additional adjectives

"I found current literature on natural history at the library."
(current, recent, published)

Used with verbs:

"We are reading African literature in English class."
(be + reading, be + studying)

"The author wrote great literature in his early years."
(wrote, published)

"She teaches classical literature at the local college."
(teaches, takes, signed up for)

Used with prepositions:

"I bought some literature on real estate investments."

"Employees must read the literature regarding safety."

"He published literature concerning cancer research."
(concerning, about, on)

Previous Word by Letter: literally
Next Word by Letter: little
Previous Word by Frequency: interest
Next Word by Frequency: sometimes

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