How to Use "Little" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words little (adj): not big; small


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Used with nouns:

"We had a little argument."
(argument, fight, disagreement)

"The little child is lost."
(child, boy, girl)

"He has a little bump on the head."

"We had a little celebration for her job promotion."
(celebration, party)

"We had a little chat about our futures."
(chat, discussion, talk)

"She made a little mistake."
(mistake, error)

"Can I have a little piece of cake?"
(piece, bit)

"We are taking a little trip to the beach."
(trip, vacation)

Used with adverbs:

"She is so little."
(so, very, extremely, abnormally)

"These dogs are typically little in size."
(typically, normally, usually)

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