How to Use "Loan" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words loan (n): the amount of money that a bank lends to someone; something that is borrowed


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Used with adjectives:

"The company is applying for a large loan."
(large, massive, small)

"I'm interested in a long-term loan."
(long-term, short-term, low-interest, fixed-rate, home-equity)

"He ended up with a high-interest loan."
(high-interest, adjustable-rate)

"They are trying to pay off their outstanding loan."
(outstanding, personal, home, mortgage, auto, student)

Used with verbs:

"We are applying for a loan."
(be + applying for, be + asking for, be + requesting)

"I had to take out a loan to buy a car."
(take out, get)

"The bank offered to give us a loan."
(give, grant, provide)

"She needs to pay back her student loan."
(pay back, pay off, repay)

Used with nouns:

"He submitted his loan application."
(application, payment)

"We signed the loan agreement today."

"She is meeting with her loan officer."

Used with prepositions:

"She got a loan from the bank."

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